KFTF Online A.A. Nuggets
Just a few A.A. Nuggets from our members…. Consolidated by Jim H.
“If you don’t like the way something is going in your life, change your mind.” – John Henry M.
“Don’t just do something, sit there.” – Steve E.
“Do no harm through thought word or deed.” Charles C.
“We’ve got to stop putting quarters in the ass-kicking machine.” – Nicole C.
“What would your AA friends think of you now?” Connie Y.
“We grow into that which we admire.” – Emmet Fox
Spring loaded to the pissed off position!
Susan C Heard from Living Faith chair's seat, many years ago - "This shit ain't for pussies".
What other people think of you is none of your business -Ed M Pflugerville 1825 Group
every happy sober birthday...…"that's a good start" Ralph Yargo
If I want this (A.A.) they can’t put enough boards to keep me out. If I don’t want this they can’t put enough boards to keep me out. If you're not getting what, want something different! Cowboy Bob
“Like is coming from me, not at me”. Zane M
God has no grandchildren “Alcoholics demand second best. Everything is going to be alright. Trust. Don’t preempt the blessings” - Steve from 617
Ego is not my amigo!! "
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results" - My Mean Ole Godmother Alcoholism is permanent, and so must be my recovery.
"I come to AA because the Big Book doesn't have pictures" - Mark Alley Georgetown Whitehouse
AA won't open the gates of Heaven and let you in; rather, it will open the gates of Hell and let you out.
“Ask God for an intuitive thought”- Brad C
“Read pages 86-88 everyday”- Ann D
1995 Joe Dini Just for Today in Lexington, Ma "It takes 5 years to collect all your marbles and another 5 years to learn how to play with them" If you want all your ducks in a row, make sure you only have two ducks. 3 steps forward 2 steps back you're still a step ahead of where you were
Are these extravagant promises? DAMN RIGHT !!! Jim A
Listening is the better half of sharing. Rodney K
“Have a great day, unless you made other plans!” Carolyn C
It’s not the thoughts that I think but the action I take —Carolyn C
“What part of willing to go to any length did you not understand” and “Just don’t drink, no mater what, and keep coming back” Ray S.
We didn’t come in here on a winning streak.
There is no struggle in surrender.
Relax harder.
Go to meetings on the days you don't want to drink.
Meeting makers make it.
Recovery isn’t about how long. It’s about how quick.
Don't be a newcomer one second longer than you have to be. But you can be a newcomer as long as you like.
If people are not doing what you want - want something different.
If you wait until you are well to help someone else it might kill you. If you wait until you have enough before you give it away you will never have enough.
The simple kit of spiritual tools is placed at our feet so we have to stoop to pick them up.
Come on in. The water's fine.
The miracle of AA is not that it works, but that it works every time.