Keep First Things First

An online Alcoholics Anonymous Group based in Austin, Texas with an international reach.

365 Days A Year

Monday - Friday 6:00AM CT

Saturday - Sunday 7:15AM CT

Zoom Meeting ID: 970 2966 9700

Request Password - KFTF Online

“Remember, Bill, let’s not louse this thing up. Let’s keep it simple.”

-Dr. Bob’s last words to Bill W.

How do you become an A.A. group member? “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking”

-Tradition Three

New to A.A.?

You are not alone…
After years of despair and frustration, many of us felt there was no way out, that a life without alcohol would be unbearable and a life with alcohol would lead to destruction.

Today, through A.A, we have found freedom from the need to drink, freedom from the pain that it brings and freedom to live a life that we never could have imagined.

We want this for all who suffer as we once suffered, and who seek a way out of the darkness and into the light.

Come on in...the water’s fine.

Your First Meeting — KFTF Online

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